First off, congrats to my baby sister for winning her case in front of the Maryland Court of Appeals.
Today she had a status about Republicans and Obama...this is the rant I added to the conversation:
Today she had a status about Republicans and Obama...this is the rant I added to the conversation: they know how? :) I guess we'll have 2 more years of just say no, maybe even some Newt Gingrich style 'let's shut down the government!' basted with a few laws curtailing personal freedoms (gays, abortion, civil rights anyone?) throw in a few 'let's bomb Iran!' mixed with some 'let's cut welfare and the minimum wage' and a whole lot of tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts...hmmm trillion dollar no no TWO trillion dollar deficit! Which of course will be blamed on Obama and be what they campaign on to try to get him out of power in 2012 :)