The rhetoric grows stronger that Barack Obama is not up to the task of being President of The United States (POTUS); I am of the belief that the rhetoric is way off the mark, he has been an excellent POTUS. He is in the process of transforming and strengthening the office of POTUS. He has been reasonable to a fault and now it is time for him to be somewhat unreasonable.
One thing I keep in mind when making this judgement is remembering what he has faced up until now, namely a hostile opposition which has made it a mission to deligitimize Obama at every opportunity, with every conceivable weapon at their disposal. "NO" has been their favorite weapon, blocking every iniative, refusing every compromise, going so far as to question whether he was really the USA. If memory serves me right, that argument over his right to claim American citizenship went on for 2.5 years; some people still doubt it. All of this has culminated with their refusal to sensibly compromise on the deficit reduction and the debt ceiling increase effectively holding the US economy hostage with the threat of a default.
They were given 98% of what they asked for and it was not enough. They are entirely gleeful about the S&P ratings reduction to AA+. They say they have all the answers and refuse any other point of view and are entirely willing to destroy the country in order to rebuild the country in their sacred image.
What's puzzling, what's troubling is that this philosophy, this ideology is the same espoused in right-wing, conservative, Republican musings such as Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" and that William Luther Pierce piece of crap "The Turner Diaries", coupled with the destructive extreme evangelical thinking that the world must end and it is their duty to do God's Will and bring about that end.
These people are dangerous yet it is Barack Obama whose measured even tone which gets attacked. I believe he needs to do more and move to left of the spectrum to counter this growing menace to America. He needs to end those wars, resolve the Guantanamo situation, and give the other party NOTHING. He needs to create jobs in America, balance the budget, educate America, and prepare America for a new age in science, transportation, medicine, technology, etc.
Do all this Mr. President and let the American people decide, some of them are reasonable, moderate, conservative Republicans and they will always ask for more, but they will appreciate progress, hold their nose, and vote for you.
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